I was interested to find out what is the best way to respond to a item click of a recycler view.
Normally I would add a onclick() listener to the ViewHolder and pass ba
My solution was much like @epool 's except use EventBus model.
First, create a RxBus: RxBus.java
public class RxBus {
private final Subject
Then, you have two way to use RxBus. Create your custom Application class with RxBus reference or create RxBus in Activity/Fragment then pass it to adapter. I'm use the first.
public class MyApp extends Application {
private static MyApp _instance;
private RxBus _bus;
public static MyApp get() { return _instance; }
public void onCreate() {
_instance = this;
_bus = new RxBus();
public RxBus bus() { return _bus; }
then use
to get RxBus instance.
The usage of RxBus in Adpater was like this:
public class MyRecyclerAdapter extends ... {
private RxBus _bus;
public MykRecyclerAdapter (...) {
_bus = MyApp.get().bus();
public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder (...) {
_sub = RxView.longClicks(itemView) // You can use setOnLongClickListener as the same
.subscribe(aVoid -> {
if (_bus.hasObservers()) { _bus.send(new SomeEvent(...)); }
You can send any class with _bus.send(), which We will recieve in the Activity:
RxBus bus = MyApp.get().bus(); // get the same RxBus instance
_sub = bus.toObserverable()
.subscribe(e -> doSomething((SomeEvent) e));
About unsubscribe.
In MyRecyclerAdapter call _sub.unsubscribe() in clearup() methods and call _sub.unsubscribe() in Activity's onDestory().
public void onDestroy() {
if (_adapter != null) {
if (_sub != null) {