I\'m localizing my app and one of the language/region supported is Espanol-419. Android doesn\'t support the naming convention values-es-r419 but it does accept values-en-rGB.
419 comes from here, and is for any LatinoAmérica (Spanish) regions.
Español (Colombia), Español (México), etc, will use values-es-r419
We can also use this for each region instead of names, although it is more difficult
values-en-r840 intead of values-en-rUS
But, if we want a language for each region, the file must have the language followed by "-r" and the country code. The name is added automatically when choosing the region.
To do that, create a "value resource file", choose the "Locale" option and choose the region.
If the device language is "English (United States)" will take values-en-rUS/strings.xml.
If the device has a language with a country that we do not support, will use values-en/strings.xml (is used by any region).
Now, if you want to programmatically add the language, you cannot set the language as "en_US" or "en-rUS" because it doesn't exists, "en_US" is still "en". That's why you need to add the country to the Locale language (android supports upper or lower case)
//Example language = "en" country = "US"
private void setLanguage(Context context, String language, String country) {
Configuration config = new Configuration(context.getResources().getConfiguration());
config.setLocale(new Locale(language, country));
//Copies the fields from delta into this Configuration object, keeping track of which ones have changed.
config.updateFrom(new Resources(context.getResources().getAssets(),
context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(), config).getConfiguration());