I am using Passive Aggressor from scikit library and confused whether to use warm start or partial fit.
Efforts hitherto
If warm_start = False
, each subsequent call to .fit()
(after an initial call to .fit()
or partial_fit()
) will reset the model's trainable parameters for the initialisation. If warm_start = True
, each subsequent call to .fit()
(after an initial call to .fit()
or partial_fit()
) will retain the values of the model's trainable parameters from the previous run, and use those initially.
Regardless of the value of warm_start
, each call to partial_fit()
will retain the previous run's model parameters and use those initially.
Example using MLPRegressor
import sklearn.neural_network
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-1, 1, num=50).reshape(-1, 1)
y = (x * 1.5 + 2).reshape(50,)
cold_model = sklearn.neural_network.MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(), warm_start=False, max_iter=1)
warm_model = sklearn.neural_network.MLPRegressor(hidden_layer_sizes=(), warm_start=True, max_iter=1),y)
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[0.17009494]])] [array([0.74643783])],y)
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60819342]])] [array([-1.21256186])]
#after second run of .fit(), values are completely different
#because they were re-initialised before doing the second run for the cold model,y)
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39815616]])] [array([1.651504])],y)
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39715616]])] [array([1.652504])]
#this time with the warm model, params change relatively little, as params were
#not re-initialised during second call to .fit()
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60719343]])] [array([-1.21156187])]
print cold_model.coefs_, cold_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-0.60619347]])] [array([-1.21056189])]
#with partial_fit(), params barely change even for cold model,
#as no re-initialisation occurs
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39615617]])] [array([1.65350392])]
print warm_model.coefs_, warm_model.intercepts_
#[array([[-1.39515619]])] [array([1.65450372])]
#and of course the same goes for the warm model