I\'ve been Googling for a while looking for a simple way to do this, and I can\'t find one.
I have a custom terminal environment set up (zsh) with various aliases and fu
You can get what you want by modifying the BASH script found at http://www.entropy.ch/blog/Mac+OS+X/2008/06/27/Terminal-Tricks-“term”-revisited-with-tabs. Here is the script, taken from Marc Linyage's site www.entropy.ch/blog.
# Open a new Mac OS X terminal window or tab in the current or another
# directory and optionally run a command in the new window or tab.
# - Without any arguments, the new terminal window opens in
# the current directory, i.e. the executed command is "cd $PWD".
# - If the first argument is a directory, the new terminal will "cd" into
# that directory before executing the remaining arguments as command.
# - The optional "-t" flag executes the command in a new tab
# instead of a new window.
# - The optional "-x" flag closes the new window or tab
# after the executed command finishes.
# - The optional "-p" flag takes an argument of the form x,y (e.g. 40,50) and
# positions the terminal window to the indicated location on the screen
# - The optional "-s" flag takes an argument of the form w,h (e.g. 800,400) and
# resizes the terminal window to the indicated width and height in pixels.
# Written by Marc Liyanage
# Version 2.1
set -e
while getopts xtp:s: OPTION; do
[ $OPTION = "x" ] && { EXIT='; exit'; }
[ $OPTION = "t" ] && { TAB=1; }
[ $OPTION = "p" ] && { POSITION="set position of window 1 to {$OPTARG}"; }
[ $OPTION = "s" ] && { SIZE="set size of window 1 to {$OPTARG}"; }
for (( $OPTIND; $OPTIND-1; OPTIND=$OPTIND-1 )); do shift; done
if [[ -d "$1" ]]; then WD=$(cd "$1"; pwd); shift; else WD=$PWD; fi
COMMAND="cd '$WD' && echo -n \$'\\\\ec';"
for i in "$@"; do
if [ $TAB ]; then
osascript 2>/dev/null <