I have a WCF REST 4.0 project based on the the WCF REST Service Template 40(CS). I\'d like to expose simple service endpoint URLs without trailing slashes. For example:
A bit more reusable:
public class Global : NinjectHttpApplication
protected override void OnApplicationStarted()
private void RegisterRoutes()
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("login", new NinjectWebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(LoginService)));
RouteTable.Routes.Add(new ServiceRoute("incidents", new NinjectWebServiceHostFactory(), typeof(IncidentService)));
//This is a workaround for WCF forcing you to end with "/" if you dont have a urlTemplate and redirecting if you dont have
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string rawUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.ToLower();
if (_routePrefixes.Any(rawUrl.EndsWith))
HttpContext.Current.RewritePath(rawUrl + "/"); // append trailing slash
private static List _routePrefixes;
private static void SetRoutePrefixes()
_routePrefixes = new List();
foreach (var route in RouteTable.Routes)
var r = route as Route;
var routePrefix = r.Url.Split('/').First();