I have an image I am displaying to a user in my android application.
I want to be able to tell where they \'touch\' the image.
I can easily get the screen coordi
I have just had the same problem, and trying the DeeV solution I always got 0 from both getLeft() and getTop() methods. As changing the layout wasn't an option (because I think that getTop/Left are relative only to the view's parent) I had to figure out how to get the absolute position of the view.
Here is a similar approach using getLocationOnScreen(location):
protected Point getRelativePosition(View v, MotionEvent event) {
int[] location = new int[2];
float screenX = event.getRawX();
float screenY = event.getRawY();
float viewX = screenX - location[0];
float viewY = screenY - location[1];
return new Point((int) viewX, (int) viewY);