I need to change the filename (not the file, just the metadata of the name) when uploading to a sharepoint site.
I figured that it would be easy enough to change the htm
From reading https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File/File#Syntax the bits
parameter of the File
constructor can be an array of Blob
An Array of ArrayBuffer, ArrayBufferView, Blob, USVString objects, or a mix of any of such objects, that will be put inside the File. USVString objects are encoded as UTF-8.
From reading https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/File#Methods it turns out the File
inherits from Blob
The File interface doesn't define any methods, but inherits methods from the Blob interface
Therefore, new File([originalFile])
is valid.
I came up with the following which works for me:
function renameFile(originalFile, newName) {
return new File([originalFile], newName, {
type: originalFile.type,
lastModified: originalFile.lastModified,