On React-Native, how can I know if \"Debug JS Remotely\"
is enabled?
I tried looking in RN docs and various NPM packages, but couldn\'t find out how...
Ran across this answer, but wasn't happy with checking for atob
or being constrained to android. I found a function that appears to be a pretty good proxy for if the debugger is running, which is a global called __REMOTEDEV__
In my case, I wanted to see requests made by the app in react-native-debugger, my full code is as follows:
* When the debugger is connected, remove the XHR polyfill
* so that the chrome inspector will be able to see requests
if (typeof global.__REMOTEDEV__ !== 'undefined') {
const _XHR = GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest ?
GLOBAL.originalXMLHttpRequest :
global.XMLHttpRequest = _XHR;