I am a bit lost in the \"start up\" events - there are so many different events and are named differently in the DOM and in various frameworks like jQuery. What are all
In general, previosus answers are very good and full. But one important difference between .ready() and DOMContentLoaded event exists.
Most browsers provide similar functionality in the form of a DOMContentLoaded event. However, jQuery's .ready() method differs in an important and useful way: If the DOM becomes ready and the browser fires DOMContentLoaded before the code calls .ready( handler ), the function handler will still be executed. In contrast, a DOMContentLoaded event listener added after the event fires is never executed.
Ref. https://api.jquery.com/ready/
As we see from this, .ready() is executed at least once in all cases.
For example, in browser console we may define
>> function sample()
console.log('This is sample.');
$( document ).ready(function ()
console.log("Ready is working in all cases.")
and in result we have
>> sample();
This is sample. debugger eval code:3:11
Ready is working in all cases. debugger eval code:7:13
>> sample();
This is sample. debugger eval code:3:11
Ready is working in all cases. debugger eval code:7:13