If I wanted to make a horizontal line, I would do this:
Here is a SASS wave line generator based on the answer from @yeerk. If you want triangles, use the generator above by @lilliputten.
$waveHeight: 40px;
$waveLength: 70px;
$waveRadius: 13px; // adjust depending on length
$waveThickness: 8px;
@mixin waveSide() {
position: absolute;
background: radial-gradient(ellipse, transparent, transparent $waveRadius, black $waveRadius, black #{$waveRadius + $waveThickness}, transparent #{$waveRadius + $waveThickness});
background-size: #{$waveLength} #{$waveHeight * 2};
height: $waveHeight;
.wavy {
width: 400px; // give the wave element a length here
@include waveSide;
&::before {
$waveOffset: $waveLength / 2;
@include waveSide;
content: '';
width: calc(100% - #{$waveOffset});
top: $waveHeight;
left: $waveOffset;
background-position: 0px -#{$waveHeight};