I have a SP prc_Foo_Delete which has the following signature:
ALTER PROCEDURE [prc_Foo_Delete]
@fooIds [int_udtt] READONLY,
@deleteReason int,
Since you've defined your user defined type as a parameter on the stored procedure, you need to use that user-defined type, too, when calling the stored procedure! You cannot just send in a single INT
Try something like this:
-- define an instance of your user-defined table type
DECLARE @IDs [int_udtt]
-- fill some values into that table
INSERT INTO @IDs VALUES(3), (5), (17), (42)
-- call your stored proc
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [prc_Foo_Delete]
@fooIds = @IDs, -- pass in that UDT table type here!
@deleteReason = 2,
@comment = N'asfdasdf',
@deletedBy = N'asdfa'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value