Can anyone help me see if there is a syntax error here in my template? It does not give error, but does not fill in data into the template either:
The best way to handle a Single Observable Object inside an Angular 2.3.x, or Angular 4.x template is to use an async pipe with a template variable.
Here's a common goal for angular developers. Take an array of elements from redux, and pluck a single matching element from the collection. Then render that singular object in a template.
selector: 'app-document-view',
templateUrl: './document-view.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./document-view.component.scss']
export class DocumentViewComponent implements OnInit {
@select(['documents', 'items']) readonly documenList$: Observable;
public documentVO$: Observable;
constructor(private _state: NgRedux,
private _route: ActivatedRoute,
private _documentActions: DocumentActions) {
_route.params.subscribe(params => {
let modelId: number = parseInt(params['modelId']); //1
let documentId: number = parseInt(params['documentId']); //50
this._documentActions.getDocument(modelId, documentId);
ngOnInit() {
//documenList holds all of the documents in our application state
//but this view only wants a single element
this.documentVO$ = this.documenList$.map(documents => documents.find(doc => doc.documentId === 50));