I am trying to figure out the fastest method to find the determinant of sparse symmetric and real matrices in python. using scipy sparse
module but really surprised
You can use scipy.sparse.linalg.splu
to obtain sparse matrices for the lower (L
) and upper (U
) triangular matrices of an M=LU
from scipy.sparse.linalg import splu
lu = splu(M)
The determinant det(M)
can be then represented as:
det(M) = det(LU) = det(L)det(U)
The determinant of triangular matrices is just the product of the diagonal terms:
diagL = lu.L.diagonal()
diagU = lu.U.diagonal()
d = diagL.prod()*diagU.prod()
However, for large matrices underflow or overflow commonly occurs, which can be avoided by working with the logarithms.
diagL = diagL.astype(np.complex128)
diagU = diagU.astype(np.complex128)
logdet = np.log(diagL).sum() + np.log(diagU).sum()
Note that I invoke complex arithmetic to account for negative numbers that might appear in the diagonals. Now, from logdet
you can recover the determinant:
det = np.exp(logdet) # usually underflows/overflows for large matrices
whereas the sign of the determinant can be calculated directly from diagL
and diagU
(important for example when implementing Crisfield's arc-length method):
sign = swap_sign*np.sign(diagL).prod()*np.sign(diagU).prod()
where swap_sign
is a term to consider the number of permutations in the LU decomposition. Thanks to @Luiz Felippe Rodrigues, it can be calculated:
swap_sign = minimumSwaps(lu.perm_r)
def minimumSwaps(arr):
Minimum number of swaps needed to order a
permutation array
# from https://www.thepoorcoder.com/hackerrank-minimum-swaps-2-solution/
a = dict(enumerate(arr))
b = {v:k for k,v in a.items()}
count = 0
for i in a:
x = a[i]
if x!=i:
y = b[i]
a[y] = x
b[x] = y
return count