I have a web app that is generating inline SVG graphics in the client on the fly based on user interaction. The graphic is defined partly by element attributes and partially by
Why not copying the SVG node/tree and then take the styles, as defined per tag (You will need the original tree, as the copy may be without styles in case the element is part of a longer tree). This ensures that you are only copying those styles relevant as set in the CSS file. The export type could easily be set before sending the package to the blob
var ContainerElements = ["svg","g"];
var RelevantStyles = {"rect":["fill","stroke","stroke-width"],"path":["fill","stroke","stroke-width"],"circle":["fill","stroke","stroke-width"],"line":["stroke","stroke-width"],"text":["fill","font-size","text-anchor"],"polygon":["stroke","fill"]};
function read_Element(ParentNode, OrigData){
var Children = ParentNode.childNodes;
var OrigChildDat = OrigData.childNodes;
for (var cd = 0; cd < Children.length; cd++){
var Child = Children[cd];
var TagName = Child.tagName;
if (ContainerElements.indexOf(TagName) != -1){
read_Element(Child, OrigChildDat[cd])
} else if (TagName in RelevantStyles){
var StyleDef = window.getComputedStyle(OrigChildDat[cd]);
var StyleString = "";
for (var st = 0; st < RelevantStyles[TagName].length; st++){
StyleString += RelevantStyles[TagName][st] + ":" + StyleDef.getPropertyValue(RelevantStyles[TagName][st]) + "; ";
function export_StyledSVG(SVGElem){
var oDOM = SVGElem.cloneNode(true)
read_Element(oDOM, SVGElem)
var data = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(oDOM);
var svg = new Blob([data], { type: "image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8" });
var url = URL.createObjectURL(svg);
var link = document.createElement("a");
var Text = document.createTextNode("Export");