Just wondering how to test that actionmailer requests are actually sent to the delayed_job que in rspec.
I would have assumed it was quite simple, but my delayed_job que
This thread is a bit old, but here is my go at it:
Create a function expect_jobs
def expect_jobs n, time = nil
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(n)
Timecop.travel(time) unless time.nil?
successes, failures = Delayed::Worker.new.work_off
expect(successes).to eq(n)
expect(failures).to eq(0)
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(0)
Timecop.travel(Time.now) unless time.nil?
Then simply call it before checking if the callback has done its job. eg:
it "sends a chapter to the admin user" do
post :chapter_to_user, { chapter: @book.chapters.first}
SubscribeMailer.should have(1).delivery
SubscribeMailer.deliveries.should have(1).attachment
This seems to work on my side, and allows me to run both my delayed jobs and my methods.