Just wondering how to test that actionmailer requests are actually sent to the delayed_job que in rspec.
I would have assumed it was quite simple, but my delayed_job que
I think your mock object is somehow introducing an error -- it's hard to tell exactly how without seeing the definition of the mock_contact
In any case, you might try something along these lines:
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
Delayed::Job.count.should == 0
post :create, {}
Delayed::Job.count.should == 1
or the sexier version (caveat: I always end up doing it the non-sexy way):
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
expect {
post :create, {}
}.to change(Delayed::Job.count).by(1)