So, I\'m facing a weird problem while implementing RecyclerView in my project. I have a custom decorator to implement a consistent top and bottom padding and a rather different
Apparently you are adding various decorations. I was having the same problem. What I did here and that worked out was:
1º - Declare the decoration before the onCreate () method:
public StickyHeaderDecoration mDecor;
public MyAdapterPinned MyAdapterPinned;
2º - Then I created a method that creates and populates my recycleview. In this method I check if I have already called mDecor. If so, I remove it. Otherwise, I create it. The code looks like this:
public void createRecyclerView(){
//hide layout com progress
LinearLayoutManager mLayoutManager = new
LinearLayoutManager(getContext(), LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false);
recyclerView.setItemAnimator(new DefaultItemAnimator());
myAdapterPinned = new MyAdapterPinned(getContext(), mList);
if (mDecor != null)
mDecor = new StickyHeaderDecoration(myAdapterPinned);
//hide progressDialog
NOTE: I am using an adapter that sets the title to each change but you can not interfere with the result. You can use your ordinary adapter. It worked for me. I hope it works for you too;