I\'m using the Request module to download files, but I\'m not quite sure how to pipe the response to an output stream when the filename must come from the \'Content-Disposition\
Question has been around a while, but I today faced the same problem and solved it differently:
var Request = require( 'request' ),
Fs = require( 'fs' );
// RegExp to extract the filename from Content-Disposition
var regexp = /filename=\"(.*)\"/gi;
// initiate the download
var req = Request.get( 'url.to/somewhere' )
.on( 'response', function( res ){
// extract filename
var filename = regexp.exec( res.headers['content-disposition'] )[1];
// create file write stream
var fws = Fs.createWriteStream( '/some/path/' + filename );
// setup piping
res.pipe( fws );
res.on( 'end', function(){
// go on with processing