I think I understand the difference between _create
and _init
in widget definitions (see for instance this question), but I\'m still not certain about
Short answer here: _create() will be executed when you run your jquery-ui plugin for the first time, like $xx.your-plugin(your options); _init() will be executed first and after the first time when your code runs into $xx.your-plugin(your options);
As there are some code in jquery-ui.custom.js like this:
var instance = $.data( this, fullName );
if ( instance ) {
instance.option( options || {} )._init();
So, if you draw a chart with jquery-ui plugin, after it's drawn out, then you want to use new data to update it, you need to do this in _init() to update your chart. If you just display something and won't update them totally, _create() will meet your needs.