i know that you with $(window).width() can get the size of the web browser.
i want to detect when the user change the size of his web browser so i could readjust the col
Something to keep in mind- in IE, at least, resize events bubble, and positioned elements and the document body can fire independent resize events.
Also, IE fires a continuous stream of 'resize' events when the window or element is resized by dragging. The other browsers wait for the mouseup to fire.
IE is a big enough player that it is useful to have an intermediate handler that fields resize events- even if you branch only IE clients to it.
The ie handler sets a short timeout(100-200 msec)before calling the 'real' resize handler. If the same function is called again before the timeout, it is either a bubblng event or the window is being dragged to a new size, so clear the timeout and set it again.