I have a test project written in dotnet core. This need to publish the results in an XML or HTML format. Is there a way I can publish the results to a particular directory using
I couldn't get this to work using the syntax provided in the answer of Eric Erhardt.
Using the TRX Logger examples here I was able to recreate the correct syntax.
dotnet test --logger:"trx;LogFileName=C:\Temp\TestResults.xml" MyLibraryToTest.dll
$ dotnet test --logger:"trx;LogFileName=C:\Temp\TestResults.xml" MyLibraryToTest.dll
Microsoft (R) Test Execution Command Line Tool Version 16.8.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Starting test execution, please wait...
A total of 1 test files matched the specified pattern.
Starting ChromeDriver 87.0.4280.88 (89e2380a3e36c3464b5dd1302349b1382549290d-refs/branch-heads/4280@{#1761}) on port 51459
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
Results File: C:\Temp\TestResults.xml
Passed! - Failed: 0, Passed: 1, Skipped: 0, Total: 1, Duration: 7 s - MyLibraryToTest.dll (net5.0)