I\'ve been trying to wait for a couple of promises with Angular\'s $q but there seems to be no option to \'wait for all even when a promis is rejected\'. I\'ve created an exampl
A simple solution would be to use catch() to handle any errors and stop rejections from propagating. You could do this by either not returning a value from catch() or by resolving using the error response and then handling errors in all(). This way $q.all() will always be executed. I've updated the fiddle with a very simple example: http://jsfiddle.net/pHEf9/125/
function handleError(response) {
console.log('Handle error');
// Create 5 promises
var promises = [];
var names = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
var willSucceed = true;
if (i == 2) willSucceed = false;
createPromise('Promise' + i, i, willSucceed).catch(handleError));
Be aware that if you don't return a value from within catch(), the array of resolved promises passed to all() will contain undefined for those errored elements.