I have a project dealing with video conferencing using the Kinect (or, more likely, four of them). Right now, my company uses these stupidly expensive cameras for our VTC rooms.
the only link I see is that a camera's UniqueDeviceName property equals it's 'device instance path'.
Doing a little research in the device manager on my computer I can tell that the last 2 numbers at the end of the camera's UniqueDeviceName (0&3, 0&4) are incrementing values (based on controller + port?).
My suggestion is that you sort your list of cameras based on those last digits, and sort your audiodevices on their DeviceID property. This way i suppose when you iterate over your camera list, you can use the corresponding index in the audiodevice list to match the 2 together.
Btw, this is my first post so please be gentle if I'm wrong...