How do I run Linux binaries under Mac OS X?
Googling around I found a couple of emulators but none for running Linux binaries on a Mac. There are quite a few posts about
does not allow the binaries to execute properly for me. Use Docker Desktop for Mac.
Just do:
docker pull centos:latest # 73MB CentOS docker image
Make a folder for what is needed to run your binary, and in your Dockerfile:
FROM centos
COPY your_binary /bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["your_binary"]
and you can build it with
docker build -t image_name
then execute with
docker run image_name
as if it were the binary itself. Worked for me. Hope it helps someone else. And if you need specific outputs or to store files somewhere you can mount volumes onto the docker with -v
, for example:
docker run -v path_to_my_stuff:/docker_stuff image_name
though adding a WORKDIR /docker_stuff
line to the Dockerfile
is probably best.
If you change ENTRYPOINT
ENTRYPOINT ["bash", "-c"]
and add
CMD ["your_binary"]
underneath it, you can actually pass the command into the image like
docker run -v path_on_local:/in_container_path image_name "your_binary some_parameters -optionrequiringzerowhitespacebeforeinputvalue"