with a
I have observed an undesirable behaviour in Chrome that occurs when one joins two
\'s by deleting the separation between them. Although the
The best way I found so far is to listen to DOMNodeInserted and check the tagName. If it is a span, you can remove the tag and but leave the contents. This also keeps the cursor at the correct place.
function unwrap(el, target) {
if ( !target ) {
target = el.parentNode;
while (el.firstChild) {
var AutoFix = true;
.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(ev) {
if ( !AutoFix ) {
if ( ev.target.tagName=='SPAN' ) {
I've added a boolean 'AutoFix' so you can disable the automatic dom changes when you do need to insert a span, since this event fires on any dom change. E.g. if you have a toolbar that allows the user to insert something like ....
The code has no side effects in IE or FireFox as far as I can see.