I have created a React Component that renders a set of sub-elements given an array of ids. The array of ids is kept in the state of the parent component, and then I run some aja
I figured out my mistake, and it had nothing to do with React per se. It was a classic case of missing javascript closure inside a loop.
Because of the possibility of duplicates I stored each ajax response in window.localStorage, on the movieId. Or so I thought.
In React Inifinite Scroll each item in your list is drawn sequentially with a call to the loadMore-function. Inside this function I did my ajax call, and stored the result in the browser cache. The code looked something like this:
var cachedValue = window.localStorage.getItem(String(movieId));
var cachedData = cachedValue ? JSON.parse(cachedValue) : cachedValue;
if (cachedData != null) {
} else {
$.ajax( {
type: "GET",
url: this.state.movieUrl + movieId,
contentType: "json",
success: function (movieData) {
window.localStorage.setItem(String(movieId), JSON.stringify(movieData));
Can you spot the mistake? When the ajax-call returns, movieId is no longer what is was. So I end up storing the data by the wrong id, and get some strange React warnings in return. Because this was done inside the loadMore function called by the InfiniteScroll-module, I was not aware that this function was not properly scoped.
I fixed it by adding a Immediately-invoked function expression.