There is need to compare two objects based on class they implement? When to compare using getClass()
and when getClass().getName()
Is there any differ
I ran into a problem comparing two classes using .equals. The above provided solution is not entirely accurate. Class does not implement Comparable.
Class references are not necessarily true singletons within a JVM because you can have multiple ClassLoaders.
I was writing a Maven plugin that was digging annotations out of beans after compile. The plugin had one classloader and I had my own classloader. When comparing two classes of the same name from different loaders the comparison would fail.
The implementation of Object.equals looks like this:
public boolean More ...equals(Object obj) {
return (this == obj);
So you will be comparing references.
If you are comparing classes and you know for sure there will only be one classloader involved you can safely use .equals or c1 == c2 but if you are not sure you should compare by name:
if(c1.getName().equals(c2.getName()) {