I\'d like to display the \"Open Lock\" character in my HTML link text.
If I do it directly it shows up correctly with 🔒<
Following script should convert UTF32 hex values to UTF16 pairs
function toUTF16Pair(hex) {
hex = hex.replace(/[]/g,'');
var x = parseInt(hex, 16);
if (x >= 0x10000 && x <= 0x10FFFF) {
var first = Math.floor((x - 0x10000) / 0x400) + 0xD800;
var second = ((x - 0x10000) % 0x400) + 0xDC00;
return {
first: first.toString(16).toUpperCase(),
second: second.toString(16).toUpperCase(),
combined: '\\u'+first.toString(16).toUpperCase() + '\\u'+second.toString(16).toUpperCase()
} else {
return {}