when using new Date,I get something like follows:
Fri May 29 2009 22:39:02 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)
but what I want is xxxx-xx-xx xx:xx:xx formatted time s
You can use the toJSON() method to get a DateTime style format
var today = new Date().toJSON();
// produces something like: 2012-10-29T21:54:07.609Z
From there you can clean it up...
To grab the date and time:
var today = new Date().toJSON().substring(0,19).replace('T',' ');
To grab the just the date:
var today = new Date().toJSON().substring(0,10).replace('T',' ');
To grab just the time:
var today = new Date().toJSON().substring(10,19).replace('T',' ');
Edit: As others have pointed out, this will only work for UTC. Look above for better answers.