Is it possible to use the run-android
command for one specific device only?
For example, if I have three devices (or emulators) connected and I want to use
Elaborating on @alexander 's answer, you can use the following workflow:
cd android
./gradlew assembleDebug # assembleRelease for release builds
adb install -s app/build/outputs/apk/yourapk.apk # You can check the identifier for your device with adb devices
adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 Will forward the phone's 8081 port to the computer's 8081, where the packager listens. If you are deploying over Wi-Fi, have a look at:
In a different screen, run:
npm start # Will run the packager
If you really need this, you might want to wrap the first snippet into a script that you can parametrize with your phone's identifier.