I created a distribution in cloudfront using my files on S3. It worked fine and all my files were available. But today I updated my files on S3 and tried to access them via Clou
I also had this issue and solved it by using versioning (not the same as S3 versioning). Here is a comprehensive link to using versioning with cloudfront
Invalidating Files In summary:
When you upload a new file or files to your S3 bucket, change the version, and update your links as appropriate. From the documentation the benefit of using versioning vs. invalidating (the other way to do this) is that there is no additional charge for making CloudFront refresh by version changes whereas there is with invalidation. If you have hundreds of files this may be problematic, but its possible that by adding a version to your root directory, or default root object (if applicable) it wouldn't be a problem. In my case, I have an SPA, all I have to do is change the version of my default root object (index.html to index2.html) and it instantly updates on CloudFront.