Despite all I\'ve read, I still can\'t figure out what Spring Roo actually is, and that\'s after reading the first chapter of Spring Roo In Action, What is
I think that chapter assumes some familiarity with the tools Roo is trying to automate. You probably might not appreciate the amount of "convention" being applied by Roo behind the scenes unless you have tried putting an app based on various Spring and other "enterprise" components together :)
Try following up the names of the various tools (especially Maven and AspectJ)
Funnily, the Ruby crowd seems to fawn over such "magic" happening behind the scenes, whereas some Java folks are like "Convention over configuration are for sissy's, arrrh, I like to build my apps one xml file at time" ;)
I liked Ben Alex's talk where he introduced the thoughts behind Roo. Check it out if you have some time.