I am using Highcharts graph to display a pie chart. I want to change the tooltip to display the actual data
field along with the series name in place of the percent
You can use Format Strings to help you format numbers and dates.
// point.percentage = 29.9345816
pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.0f}%' // returns: `30%` - (rounds to nearest)
pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.1f}%' // returns: `29.9%`
pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.2f}%' // returns: `29.93%`
pointFormat: '{point.percentage:.3f}%' // returns: `29.935%`
// point.percentage = 1029.9
{point.percentage:,.0f} // returns: `1,030`
{point.percentage:,.1f} // returns: `1,029.9`
Documentation: http://www.highcharts.com/docs/chart-concepts/labels-and-string-formatting