I need to create a signature string for a variable in Ruby, where the variable can be a number, a string, a hash, or an array. The hash values and array elements can also be any
Here's my solution. I walk the data structure and build up a list of pieces that get joined into a single string. In order to ensure that the class types seen affect the hash, I inject a single unicode character that encodes basic type information along the way. (For example, we want ["1", "2", "3"].objsum != [1,2,3].objsum)
I did this as a refinement on Object, it's easily ported to a monkey patch. To use it just require the file and run "using ObjSum".
module ObjSum
refine Object do
def objsum
parts = []
queue = [self]
while queue.size > 0
item = queue.shift
if item.kind_of?(Hash)
parts << "\\000"
item.keys.sort.each do |k|
queue << k
queue << item[k]
elsif item.kind_of?(Set)
parts << "\\001"
item.to_a.sort.each { |i| queue << i }
elsif item.kind_of?(Enumerable)
parts << "\\002"
item.each { |i| queue << i }
elsif item.kind_of?(Fixnum)
parts << "\\003"
parts << item.to_s
elsif item.kind_of?(Float)
parts << "\\004"
parts << item.to_s
parts << item.to_s