By default, during debugging in IPython, ipdb shows one line above and one line below the current position in code.
Is there an easy way to make the area shown a bit b
OK, I found the place in the IPython source code to do this. In my installation it's at
Change this:
def print_stack_entry(self,frame_lineno,prompt_prefix='\n-> ',
context = 3):
def print_stack_entry(self,frame_lineno,prompt_prefix='\n-> ',
context = 11):
It is awesome!
For IPython 4.0.1, in just add this:
class Pdb(OldPdb):
"""Modified Pdb class, does not load readline."""
def __init__(self,color_scheme='NoColor',completekey=None,
stdin=None, stdout=None, context=None):