The task is:
A non-empty zero-indexed string S is given. String S consists of N characters from the set of upper-case English letters A, C, G, T.
Python Solution with explanation
The idea is to hold an auxiliary array per nucleotide X, with position i (ignoring zero) is how many times X has occurred as of now. And so if we need the number of occurrences of X from position f to position t, we could take the following equation:
aux(t) - aux(f)
Time complexity is:
def solution(S, P, Q):
n = len(S)
m = len(P)
aux = [[0 for i in range(n+1)] for i in [0,1,2]]
for i,c in enumerate(S):
aux[0][i+1] = aux[0][i] + ( c == 'A' )
aux[1][i+1] = aux[1][i] + ( c == 'C' )
aux[2][i+1] = aux[2][i] + ( c == 'G' )
result = []
for i in range(m):
fromIndex , toIndex = P[i] , Q[i] +1
if aux[0][toIndex] - aux[0][fromIndex] > 0:
r = 1
elif aux[1][toIndex] - aux[1][fromIndex] > 0:
r = 2
elif aux[2][toIndex] - aux[2][fromIndex] > 0:
r = 3
r = 4
return result