In Django, is there an easy way to check whether all database migrations have been run? I\'ve found migrate --list
, which gives me the information I want,
Here is my Python soloution to get some information about the migration-states:
from io import StringIO # for Python 2 use from StringIO import StringIO
from import call_command
def get_migration_state():
result = []
out = StringIO()
call_command('showmigrations', format="plan", stdout=out)
for line in out.readlines():
status, name = line.rsplit(' ', 1)
result.append((status.strip() == '[X]', name.strip()))
return result
The result of this function looks like that:
[(True, 'contenttypes.0001_initial'),
(True, 'auth.0001_initial'),
(False, 'admin.0001_initial'),
(False, 'admin.0002_logentry_remove_auto_add')]
Maybe it helps some of you guys..