I have collection that contains documents with below schema. I want to filter/find all documents that contain the gender female and aggregate the sum of brainscore. I tried the
Here is an answer if the DOB numbers needs to be converted to Date then compared. If not, a number or Date such as 1970 will be incorrectly $gte to 19400801 (you can try):
$addFields: {
"_temp_DOB": {
$dateFromString: {
dateString: {$toString: {$toLong: "$DOB"}},
format: "%Y%m%d"
$match: {
'GENDER': 'F',
'_temp_DOB': { $gte: new Date("1940-08-01"),
$lte: new Date("2013-12-31") }
$group: {
_id: "$GENDER",
totalscore: { $sum: "$BRAINSCORE" }
{ "_id" : "F", "totalscore" : 109 }