I have a .crash log from an ad-hoc version of my app that symbolicatecrash refuses to symbolicate. I have already applied the .patch to remove the \'die\' command in symbolicate
OK turns out this answer is now what is required for the latest XCode 5.1.1:
Recently I had a crash log from an ad-hoc build. XCode refused to Symbolicate. I had an archived build a few hours old and I wanted to force a symbolication using my archived build. Here is how I did it:
1) First I opened a terminal window and went to the directory containing my archive. I ran this command:
xcrun dwarfdump --uuid Example.app/Example | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -d '-'
This pulled out the dsym_uuid of the archived build. The tr command converts the guid from an uppercase guid with dashes to a lowercase guid with no dashes
2) I went into the .crash file and changed the guid associated with my binary in the crash log to the guid associated with the xcdarchive on my machine
For example, went from
0x80000 - 0x49efff +MyApp armv7 /var/mobile/Applications/DC23BDC0-75E3-4DCA-8AC3-099889CE22E0/MyApp.app/MyApp
0x80000 - 0x49efff +MyApp armv7 /var/mobile/Applications/DC23BDC0-75E3-4DCA-8AC3-099889CE22E0/MyApp.app/MyApp
3) From the terminal, I set my DEVELOPER_DIR environment var to:
export DEVELOPER_DIR=/Applications/XCode.app/Contents/Developer
4) Finally, I ran this beast of a command:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DTDeviceKitBase.framework/Versions/A/Resources/symbolicatecrash -v MyApp.crash /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-05-31/MyApp\ 5-31-13\ 7.00\ PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/MyApp.app
Note that the path to symbolicatecrash changes in newer versions of XCode, to:
This command run symbolicatecrash against your archive using the .crash file you have