I have a .crash log from an ad-hoc version of my app that symbolicatecrash refuses to symbolicate. I have already applied the .patch to remove the \'die\' command in symbolicate
Turns out I accidentally deleted the build associated with the crash log. symbolicatecrash uses the following logic to figure out if there are symbols associated with a crash log:
At the bottom of every crash log is a list of Binary Images. Yours is listed first. There is a guid associated with your binary image. For example:
0x1000 - 0x2befff +MyApp armv7 /var/mobile/Applications/91884634-DA1A-4BDB-9E1E-6F487D8F25D7/MyApp.app/MyApp
The relevant guid is: a95274a309d73458a40cb5a6fd317a1c
It next uses the tool mdfind, which looks at metadata associated with files in your file system, for the uppercase and hyphenated form of that GUID.
From your archived applications, if you click on MyApp.app.dSYM, then Get Info, then disclose More Info, you will see dSYM UUIDs and two GUIDs listed. The second GUID is the one that is relevant. It will be of the form:
Provided that the second GUID matches the guid in the .crash file, symbolicate crash will be able to find and symbolicate. If they don't match, it's the wrong binary.
Cheers, Eric