Trying to achieve a dynamic UI with facebook like sliding menu and actionbarsherlock .First i have look into android documentation which introduce fragment to handle dynamic but
My problem is how do i include this 3 fragment into my homescreen ?
It really depends on how do you want them to behave.
Do you want them to appear only one at a time without allowing swipeing between them? If yes then add/insert a container layout(for example a simple FrameLayout
) in your Activity
on which you'll add the Fragments
. I didn't worked with the SlidingMenu
library but it should have a callback called when you click one of the items in the menu. In that callback you'll attach the proper fragment to the container layout(the FrameLayout
) I mention earlier.
Do you want to show only one Fragment but you want to allow the user to swipe between them? If yes use a ViewPager
in the activity layout and in the callback triggered by the SlidingMenu
library's menu selection set the current page of the ViewPager
with the setCurrentItem()
If you want something different then this provide more details.
Most tutorial are creating fragment with code, i just want to include my 3 task into it
This, I don't quite understand. If you want to "include" your task fragments directly in your xml layout, you can but you'll be limited on what you can do with them(not to mention that all the fragments will be on one single screen) and I would avoid it. If you want something else provide more details.