I have a windows service running, inside this i want to run a function every then minutes. I have found some code but it doesn\'t seem to work? I have a logger and it does not s
Try starting the timer
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
// SmartImportService.WebService.WebServiceSoapClient test = new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient();
// test.Import();
log.Info("Info - Service Started");
_timer = new Timer(10 * 60 * 1000); // every 10 minutes??
_timer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(timer_Elapsed);
private void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
log.Info("Info - Check time");
DateTime startAt = DateTime.Today.AddHours(9).AddMinutes(48);
if (_lastRun < startAt && DateTime.Now >= startAt)
// stop the timer
log.Info("Info - Import");
SmartImportService.WebService.WebServiceSoapClient test = new WebService.WebServiceSoapClient();
catch (Exception ex) {
log.Error("This is my error - ", ex);
_lastRun = DateTime.Now;