I\'ve been assigned with the task of creating a maze solver in Java. Here\'s the assignment:
Write an application that finds a path through a maze.
The maze sh
As amit has said, you should first read the entire maze and store it as a 2 dimensional array. This lets you see the whole maze without having to solve it line-by-line.
Since you'll first need to find the size of the array, you should read the text file into a List of Strings.
List strs = new ArrayList();
//Pseudocode, choose however you want to read the file
while(file_has_next_line) {
The size of the List gives you the number of rows, and assuming it's always a grid, you can use split().length, (count spaces + 1) or count the symbols on any one of the Strings to get the number of columns.
Easiest way to store the map data is with a 2D array of booleans. Where true is a wall and false is empty space.
boolean[][] wallMap = new boolean[rows][cols];
for(int i = 0; i < wallMap.length; i++) {
//Separate each symbol in corresponding line
String[] rowSymbols = strs.get(i).split(" ");
for(int j = 0; j < wallMap[i].length; j++) {
//Ternary operator can be used here, I'm just keeping it simple
if(rowSymbols[j].equals("X")) {
wallMap[i][j] = true;
} else {
wallMap[i][j] = false;
Now that you have the map data stored in an array it's much easier to traverse the map and make your choices, you can either use a ready-made algorithm (see amit's answer) or make your own. As this is homework, you should try and think up your own.
Have fun.