I am trying to make a component that shows data in rows from TableData model,
export class TableData{
public id: number,
Juts pass id
as flag along with your id then detect as per id clicked on the row of table here is example -
tableData: TableData[] = [
new TableData('Canada','Ottawa',1),
new TableData('USA','Washington DC',2),
new TableData('Australia','Canberra',3),
new TableData('UK','London',4)
PS - your code is throwing error here please correct here.
should be changed with working demo here
Plunker example Update -
Try using
event binding on the td
and get the updated text using event.target.outerText
. please check update plnukr.
onRowClick(event, id){
console.log(event.target.outerText, id);
{{ row.country }}
{{ row.capital }}