I have a case that uses view inheritance, and my code looks essentially like:
parentView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
\"some event\": \"busines
Have you tried extending this.events
in the constructor, instead of in the initialize function? If you do this in initialize, you're too late; event delegation for the business
function has already been setup in the constructor, and will point to parentView
(see the call to this.delegateEvents();
in Backbone.View's constructor).
Updated with a working example:
ParentView = Backbone.View.extend({
name: 'ParentView',
events: {
"event": "business"
business: function(e){
this.someFunc && this.someFunc();
ChildView = ParentView.extend({
name: 'ChildView',
events: {
constructor: function(){
this.events = _.extend( {}, ParentView.prototype.events, this.events );
console.debug( this.events );
ParentView.prototype.constructor.apply( this, arguments );
someFunc: function(){
console.debug('someFunc; this.name=%s', this.name);
child = new ChildView();
$( child.el ).trigger('event');
// logs 'this' in 'someFunc'; the name is 'ChildView'.