I cannot understand how can I query DBpedia using Jena. In the tutorials like here(Listing 4) model is initialized as follows:
After browsing tons and tons of pages I found the answer. Perhaps I didn't ask the question clearly enough, but anyway below is the code that worked for me.
String queryString=
"PREFIX p: "+
"PREFIX dbpedia: "+
"PREFIX category: "+
"PREFIX rdfs: "+
"PREFIX skos: "+
"PREFIX geo: "+
"SELECT DISTINCT ?m ?n ?p ?d"+
"WHERE {"+
" ?m rdfs:label ?n."+
" ?m skos:subject ?c."+
" ?c skos:broader category:Churches_in_Paris."+
" ?m p:abstract ?d."+
" ?m geo:point ?p"+
" FILTER ( lang(?n) = "fr" )"+
" FILTER ( lang(?d) = "fr" )"+
" }"
// now creating query object
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
// initializing queryExecution factory with remote service.
// **this actually was the main problem I couldn't figure out.**
QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService("http://dbpedia.org/sparql", query);
//after it goes standard query execution and result processing which can
// be found in almost any Jena/SPARQL tutorial.
try {
ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect();
for (; results.hasNext();) {
// Result processing is done here.
finally {
This answer I found on dbpedia-discussion of www.mail-archive.com page.