I have a BoardView containing a CellCollection of CellModels. I fetch the collection from the db and then create the CellViews.
This all works swimmingly until I try to
I can think of at least two approaches you might use here:
Pass the BoardView to the CellView at initialization, and then handle the event in the CellView:
var CellView = Backbone.View.extend({
className : 'cell',
initialize: function(opts) {
this.parent = opts.parent
events : {
'click' : 'analyzeCellClick',
analyzeCellClick : function() {
// pass the relevant CellModel to the BoardView
var BoardView = Backbone.View.extend({
// ...
addCell : function(cell) {
var view = new Views.CellView({
model : cell,
parent : this
analyzeCellClick : function(cell) {
// do something with cell
This would work, but I prefer to not have views call each other's methods, as it makes them more tightly coupled.
Attach the CellModel id to the DOM when you render it:
var CellView = Backbone.View.extend({
className : 'cell',
render: function() {
$(this.el).data('cellId', this.model.id)
// I assume you're doing other render stuff here as well
var BoardView = Backbone.View.extend({
// ...
analyzeCellClick : function(evt) {
var cellId = $(evt.target).data('cellId'),
cell = this.model.cells.get(cellId);
// do something with cell
This is probably a little cleaner, in that it avoids the tight coupling mentioned above, but I think either way would work.