So, I have been using org-mode for taking my research notes for some time now. I love how I can seamlessly export to both latex (for my papers) and html (for my blog). However,
I usually have a file with many custom definitions which I reuse for many documents and I want to use it also in my org documents.
The following is a modification of Blout's
answer, so please read his answer for more info.
(defun org-dblock-write:insert-latex-macros (params)
(let ((text)
(file (plist-get params :file)))
(insert-file file)
(setq text (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t)))
(insert (mapconcat (lambda (str) (concat "#+LATEX_HEADER: " str)) text "\n"))
(insert "\n#+BEGIN_HTML\n\\(\n")
(insert (mapconcat 'identity text "\n"))
(insert "\n\\)\n#+END_HTML")))
File macros.tex
In org file:
#+BEGIN: insert-latex-macros :file "macros.tex"
#+LATEX_HEADER: \newcommand\a{a}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \def\b{b}
#+LATEX_HEADER: \DeclareMathOperator\c{c}