I have 2 windows home.html
and result.html
In home.html
I have a #txtinput and a
I hope i need to elaborate the below code
Button on click function in the home page:
function sample(){
//this will set the text box id to var id;
var id = document.getElementById("text_box_id").id;
//the sessionStorage.setItem(); is the predefined function in javascript
//which will support for every browser that will store the sessions.
sessionStorage.setItem("sent", id);
//this is to open a window in new tab
Retrieve the value in result page:
//This sessionStorage.getItem(); is also a predefined function in javascript
//will retrieve session and get the value;
var a = sessionStorage.getItem("sent");
For more information about sessionStorage
I have done same thing as above, am getting values in new window that's great, but that values I am getting only in documet.ready() function. So I am not able to use these values in my JSP. once I got values I need to display them in JSP.