I have a need to keep 3 branches in 3 separate folders. (I know this is not a git way of doing things. But I need to do this for a reason).
Lets say the repo name is
Here's a bash script to check out all remote branches into separate worktrees and then keep them in sync. Every time it runs it will throw away any local changes. It just tries to make the checked out code mirror the repo.
git fetch --all --prune
# reset branch only if it has deviated from the remote
function update_branch {
if git diff --exit-code --quiet $1; then
echo "No changes on branch $1"
echo "Resetting branch $1"
git reset --hard $1
# master branch is checked out in the root
update_branch origin/master
# check out each remote branch into a subfolder
branches=$(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes/origin | grep -v /HEAD | grep -v /master)
for branch in $branches; do
if [ -d $branch ]; then
cd $branch
update_branch $branch
echo "Checking out new branch $branch"
git worktree add $branch $branch
# check for branches that have been deleted on the remote
for branch in origin/*; do
if ! git show-ref --verify refs/remotes/$branch --quiet; then
echo "Removing worktree $branch"
git worktree remove $branch
git worktree prune